welcome to the sillliest place on earth

hi there! i'm kat, i was born in and raised by early internet culture and forced to live in this capitalist hellscape.i love to post my unsolicited opinions and experiences on twitter, randomly stream, and be a general nuisance on the internet.this site is home to my gallery of works, my socials, friends, comission prices, contacts, and a blog i hope to keep semi-updated.pls consider this website permanently under construction as i will try everything in my might to share everything i create on here.thank you for reading this, and for dealing with the horror that is the graphics <3

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THIS LINK IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

welcome to the sillliest place on earth




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welcome to the sillliest place on earth

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welcome to the sillliest place on earth

THIS LINK IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!